Risk Catalogue
Considering the different user roles , in the Risk Catalogue you can find:
Table view of the risks you have access to and the essential information for each one.
Dashboard view of your risks for each facet that is available.
Heatmap that shows you the distribution of risks based on Probability per Impact.
All three views offer different perspectives for further analysis of your risks.
You can also find on the right side of the catalogue a menu bar with two available tabs: Filter and Options . Options offers you the possibility to EXPORT the complete Risk Catalogue and download the RISK CONTROL MATRIX.
How the role of a user changes the risks I can see?
The Risk Catalogue shows you risks based on your assigned role.
As a |
You can see risks |
How can I access the Risk Catalogue?
Click on Risk Catalogue inside the Side Navigation Bar.
Table view
The Table shows you recorded risks you have access to and the essential information for each one.
If a risk is not approved yet, you will see a green exclamation mark on the left side: this means the Risk Assessment is still pending.
You can find more about how to add risks into the catalogue here.
From the context menu of each risk (three dots on the right side ) you are able to:
See the full risk Details.
Show controls assigned to a risk.
See the Action Managements of a given risk.
See the Pending tasks of a given risk.
See previous information and assessments of a risk in the History section, and track back every entry in the history of the corresponding risk.
Start the following processes Risk Assessment, Test of Completeness, New Control and Action Management for a risk.
When using the process New Control, the new created control will be associated directly to the selected risk.
How can I distinguish if a risk is active or obsolete?
You can easily do this by using the “STATE” option, available on top of the Filter menu (right side of the screen).
This option has two possible values that can be selected:
Active: By selecting this value, you will visualize only those risks which are currently active. Therefore you can start new processes related to these risks.
Active risks will be displayed with the
icon or with no icon at all to their left.
Obsolete: By selecting this value, you will visualize only those risks which have been rated as Obsolete. A risk can be rated as obsolete during the Risk Assessment process or through the connector. In detail, when a diagram gets depublished, all risks of this diagram will be obsolete. The same goes for a risk that is removed from a diagram.
Obsolete risks will be displayed with the
icon to their left and it is not possible to start new processes for them.
How can I know if a risk has associated controls?
Inside the context menu button , you can access Show controls.
By clicking on it, you can access a list of all controls associated with each risk.
A risk can be associated with multiple controls. Each linked control can be assigned to a different user responsible.
How can I access the pending tasks for a given risk?
There are two ways to access the list of pending tasks for a given risk:
Clicking on the numerical chips.
Using the context menu option Pending tasks.
As a result, you will see the list of pending tasks.
Inside this section you must take into account the different user role restrictions, and also that Done tasks will not be shown as part of the list.
How can I access the History of a risk?
You can access the History inside the context menu button .
You can track back every entry in the history of a risk and find information related to previous assessments performed.
How can I export a risk to a PDF file?
To export a risk to a PDF file, follow these steps:
Open the details view of the risk (by clicking on the entry or using the context menu).
On the right side of the details view, you will find a button
. This button provides access to the Options side menu.
Click Export PDF
to download the PDF file.
Once the download is complete, open the file to visualize its content.
The PDF includes all the information present in the details view. If a process was involved to create this version of the risk, then the PDF file also contains the audit trail of that process.
In order to create PDF files of historical versions, switch to the History view of the risk. Then open the details of the desired version and follow Steps 2 to 4.
How can I sort entries in the Table view?
You have the option to sort catalogue entries by column headers. When holding the mouse pointer over a specific column header, if the column is sortable, a clickable icon with the shape of an arrow appears .
By clicking on the arrow, the selected column is sorted. Depending on the data type, columns can be sorted alphabetically (A to Z) or by date (oldest/earliest dates).
The sorting order can be inverted by clicking again on the arrow.
The direction of the arrow points upwards or downwards in relation to the current sorting order. The last selected column is marked with a static arrow.
Dashboard view
The Dashboard view offers a chart for each facet that is available and shown as a multi-value selection facet.
How are the charts sorted inside the Dashboard view?
The charts are sorted following the same order as the facets available in the Filter menu.
Based on which data the charts are calculated?
The data is based on the risks that you can see according to your role and on the active filter facets.
The Heatmap shows you an analysis of risks based on two different risk properties. Initially the distribution of risks regarding “Probability” and “Impact” is shown.
Further analysis of your risks can be performed by modifying the axes of the Heatmap.
The available entries for each axis are facets based on drop-down fields (e.g. Risk Rating and Risk Response).
You also have the option to explore in-depth details using the drill down function.
You can drill down by clicking on a given cell of the Heatmap, which will redirect you to the Table view just showing risks that belong to the chosen cell. To achieve that, the corresponding filter values that represent the cell are activated in the Filter option.
Once you have made the drill down, using the browser back button you can navigate back to your previous Heatmap view.
Based on which data the Heatmap is calculated?
The Heatmap takes into account all risks in the Risk Catalogue that are available for a given user based on his role and on the active filter facets.
What is the sort order for each axis?
The legend is sorted in the same logical order as it is shown inside the forms (e.g. Very Low, Low, Medium, High for the risk property Impact).
The x-axis is sorted from left to right and the y-axis is sorted from bottom to top. As a result of this, the upper right corner of the Heatmap represents the highest value and the lower left corner represents the lowest value in the meaning of sorting the axes.
How filtering affects the Heatmap?
When you select values in the Filter facets, the Heatmap will only consider those risks that match the selected filtering criteria.
If an active Filter facet is used as an axis in the Heatmap, only the selected facet values are shown inside the axis.
How can I filter catalogue entries?
If you enter the Risk Catalogue, you will find the Filter menu on the right side. The Filter shows you a list of facets based on your catalogue entries.
Facets can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on them. Among the different filtering options, you can find multi-selection pickers, date pickers and numerical values.
Multi-selection pickers:
- Multi-selection pickers are shown in two different ways, depending on their number of facet values:
simple multi-selection facet
quick-filter multi-selection facet
If the facet contains more than 15 entries it will be rendered as quick-filter multi-selection facet.
Simple multi-selection facet
When you open a simple multi-selection facet, you can see the total number of how many risks match each filter value.
Filter values are sorted in descending order from the highest number of matching hits to the lowest. If two or more filter values happen to have the same number of hits, then filters are alphabetically sorted in ascending order.
When you select a facet value, the shown number of matching hits for each facet value and the Risk Catalogue view are updated accordingly.
Multiple selections can be undone by clicking again on the selected facet values or by using the remove option.
Each facet header indicates the number of active facet values that are used to filter the Risk Catalogue. For example, for RISK CATEGORY.
Quick-filter multi-selection facet
In difference to the simple multi-selection facet, the quick-filter variant is intended to manage a long list of facet values. In order to achieve that, the facet contains of two components:
An input field, that allows to quick-filter the list of facet values
A rectangle with a fixed height that contains a scrollable list of the facet values.
The basic behavior of the list of facet values is the same like for the simple representation. In addition the quick-filter variant offers a select all option, which will select all currently visible entries. For example now you can easily use an hierarchical prefix of your risks name in the Name facet, in order to quickfilter for a subset of the risks and can easily select all of them in one click.
By selecting a value it is positioned at the top of the list and the number of hits displayed in the Risk Catalogue view is updated accordingly.
Date pickers. You have the option to filter by:
All values, that are after or equal to a given Start date
All values, that are before or equal to a given End date
All values, that are after or equal to a given Start date and before or equal to a given End date
Numerical values. You can filter by:
All values, that are higher than or equal to the Min value
All values, that are lower than or equal to the Max value
All values, that are higher than or equal to the Min value and lower than or equal to the Max value
How can I export risks from the Risk Catalogue?
On the right side of the catalogue there is a menu bar with two available Options, both in downloadable .XLSX format.
By clicking on EXPORT you download the complete Risk Catalogue, and by selecting RISK CONTROL MATRIX you download a matrix where you can check the controls in place for each recorded risk.